The municipal stadium of Mamba Guirassy of Kedougou is a sporting and community center for the local population, and especially local youth. Without electricity, the events needed to be scheduled exclusively during the day. However, with high temperatures during the...
Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting the gaps in our health infrastructure. For example, in rural regions of Senegal, many dispensaries and health outposts do not have electricity, which immediately limits the use of basic medical equipment and...
Suntaeg Energy encourages everybody to keep their distances, stay home as much as possible and follow the public health directives in order to save lives and support health care professionals. Let’s work together to protect our communities and limit the spread...
Solar electricity otherwise See video – DakarActu (French only ) The inauguration of Suntaeg Energy Senegal took place Tuesday, April 17, 2018 in its offices of the Almadies in Dakar, under the aegis of Her Excellency Mrs. Lise Filiatrault, Ambassador of Canada...